A New Way of Dining

Mouth-Watering Meals.

Mouth-Watering Meals.

Ever wondered if there is an alternative to stock standard “sit down” dinners. They can often be a little awkward, especially if you are with a tour group and you might be on your first night or just don’t know  the people as well as you would like to. And heaven help you should you sit next to someone that you would prefer not to.

Is there an alternative? Well, yes there is. A progressive dinneroccurs when successive courses are prepared and eaten at the residences of different hosts. Usually this involves the consumption of one course at each location. Involving travel, it is a variant on a potluck dinner and is sometimes known as a round-robin.

An Opportunity to Meet Everyone.

An Opportunity to Meet Everyone.

Global Tour Specialists takes this idea and works it into our tours by having a different courses, in up to four different restaurants, all within walking distance. This is a great way of meeting people and effectively mixing things up. In doing so not only are you experiencing several different restaurants in the one night, you are also inevitably meeting and getting to know your people on tour as you’re never sitting next to the same person twice (unless you want to).

We currently have a progressive meals in our Australian “Sisters in the City” and Canadian “All Girls Getaway” tours. A great way to enhance your touring experience. #GlobalTourSpecialists #AnInsiderPointOfView #TalkToUs