Kiri Braid and Tyler Wood from Global Tour Specialists are currently in the Canadian Rockies putting the final touches on their 2016 Rockies programme and have been blown away by sheer beauty and grandeur of the area. They therefore have put together their 5 top facts that you may not realise about travelling to the Rockies in May.

And here they are……

Tyler Wood of GTS in the Rockies

Tyler Wood of GTS in the Rockies

1. The scenery is more stunning then any photo or image you may have previously seen. When you think about it a photo has the limitation that it can only capture a measured area. When you’re in the Rockies you suddenly realise that the landscape scenery is seemingly endless and you find yourself constantly doing circles as you try to take it all in.

2. The days are much longer than that in Australia. With sun up at 5am and sundown at 9.30pm there is a lot of light giving you the ability to see and experience more. And we know how important every minute is when you’re on the trip of your lifetime.

3. The Canadian people are ever so friendly. I mean we expected the people here to be nice but these folk take it to another dimension. They are helpful, polite, friendly and just gorgeous.

4. All the animals are awake and down in the lower valleys close to all the villages. With mountain peaks still in snow all the animals gravitate to the food source which is where we are. Later in the summer the animals move to the higher areas away from the towns but for now they are HERE!

5. There is still snow about. And its just so gorgeous to get that mix of green and white. To be there for the change of seasons, to see it happening, to experience the awakening, is just brilliant.

Sunday Morning Elk

Sunday Morning Elk

For up to date images of our trip follow us on and be sure to secure your place on one of our 2016 departures. 2 tours – 5 departures of each and we are determined to make each one memorable.